Autumn 2021

6 helpful tips for autumn clean up

Autumn is a beautiful time of year that brings changes in the leaves, and cooler weather. With all of that, comes time to clean up the garden.

    Rake and mulch the leaves

    Leaving thick layers of leaves on your lawn blocks the sun and air from reaching your grass, which could result in lawn disease. Rake them up, shred them, and use them as mulch for young trees, shrubs, and flower beds. You might even be able to skip the raking part if you use a lawnmower to mulch the leaves in your yard.

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    Fertilize your lawn

    Fertilizing your lawn helps promote root growth and gets it ready for next season.

    You will want to complete this job in early autumn for the best results. Also, be sure to pull the weeds that are taking up your garden and lawn.

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    Overseed your lawn

    Before you begin seeding your lawn, it's recommended to cut your grass shorter than normal. Once that process is complete, you can begin overseeding your lawn. This will help your grass become thicker when spring hits. Make sure that you lightly water the grass to ensure it grows properly.

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    Pressure wash

    Pressure washers are great for washing away all of the dirt and grime that has built up around the outside of your home from summer. From cleaning decking and siding to giving your patio furniture a good rinse before storing, a power washer is going to help you get the job done with more precision and speed.

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    Trim branches

    Trim those dead, damaged, or diseased branches you didn’t get to during summer. Make sure you keep an eye out for branches that may cause trouble during the windy winter season. Cutting out the dead or damaged branches helps trees and shrubs push out new growth in spring.

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    Edge Trimmer

    Hedge Trimmer

    Clean out debris

    Fallen leaves and weeds are the perfect places for unwanted guests to settle in for the winter. Clear out flower beds, gutters, and drains to keep the pests away. Remove extra debris in your rose beds, and raised beds as this matter can house disease over the winter and reinfect your plants when it warms up again.

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    Have any questions or need advice?

    Read our blog below. We have selected a few topics relevant to this time of the year.

    As always, if you have any questions or need any more information about our products, services, or offerings please don’t hesitate to give us a call or email us at

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